Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Get a (Pro?) Life

Ok, posting's been light--... Ok, postings been anorexic. The last Friday in January brought a new employee to Weber & Judd. The new employee needed to ride with me to learn the route I drive every night. The new employee doesn't like to listen to AM radio. So, I didn't listen to much of it for about a week. What I did hear, I didn't feel like commenting on. But today was my first day filling in for another driver, so I worked 9-7.

I got to listen to The Radio Factor again, and I heard Garage Logic and Sean Hannity largely unimpeded (because the entire route is in-town). As I've said before, I don't always agree with Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity. When I finished work at 7, I was listening to Hannity on the way home, and my knickers found themselves to be knotted.

Hannity brought up Chris Rock and some recent remarks he made regarding abortion. Apparently, he said, "Abortion, it's beautiful, it's beautiful abortion is legal. I love going to an abortion rally to pick up women, cause you know they are f**king." Hannity was admonishing Rock about the comment, mainly focusing on the first half of the quote. What he isn't seeing about the statement is that Rock is calling those women sluts in so many words.

Yeah, Chris Rock does perpetuate some ideas about 'crackers,' and a clip of his was used in Bowling for Columbine, but if you really listen to the overall message of a lot of his stand-up, he's rather conservative. (Incidentally, the clip Michael Moore used in Bowling was actually the only joke in the bit that made Chris Rock sound like he was for gun control.) My friends know what I don't like about the Democrats, but this is a prime example of what I don't like about the Republicans. Radical pro-lifers' think that if you use the word "abortion" and you don't pair it with terminology like "murder" or "barbaric" then it can mean nothing other than that you are a hard-line pro-choice fiend. Get a grip guys.

This gives me an opportunity to mention a cute little quip I made the other day. I pass Planned Parenthood whenever I drive between Weber & Judd's main office and the store at Hy-Vee Barlow's. Occasionally--maybe once a month--there are protestors on the boulevard across the parking lot. I abhor protestors, regardless of the issue, and one individual had a sign that read: "Life begins at conception." Upon reading the sign, I thought to myself, "so what's your excuse?" I don't care if you're protesting abortion, the war in Iraq, or the treatment of elephants at the circus (all of which I've seen protestors for right here in Rochester.), get a f**king life.

Update: If you've been following the news, you will have noticed that the pro-Syrian government of Lebanon has stepped down and given control back to the people. I think it's great, but to my dismay, with all the protestors in Lebanon that wanted control of their own government, it might just make the idiots with signs here think that they'll make a difference. We can only hope they'll pass over that page of the paper.


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