Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Picking a format

Alright, here's what I think I'm going to do...

Back in November, I think it was, I started working earlier shifts at Weber & Judd. I got sick of hearing the same crap over and over on 93X, so I started listening to AM radio. I heard Bill O'Reilly's radio show for the first time. He's not a bad guy, believe it or not, though I didn't buy Al Franken's and The Daily Show's whinefest about O'Reilly being a blood-sucking, right-wing, neoconservative, facist pig in the first place. After a few weeks, they gave that earlier shift to a new employee, so I didn't get to hear O'Reilly from 1-3 pm anymore. So now, I listen to Garage Logic (which is funnier, and less political) from 3 to 6, and Sean Hannity (who's farther to the right than O'Reilly, but I still agree with some things he says) from 6 to 9. I started watching the O'Reilly Factor on Fox News a short time after I started listening to the radio show, and I still watch that. There were a few times I was going to call into the O'Reilly Factor, because they talked about a few things I felt like voicing my opinion on. Had the number dialed into my cellphone once, but they were just ending the segment, so I didn't end up calling. I've thought about calling Sean Hannity too, except it's pre-taped, because Hannity is actually live from 3-6, but that's when AM 1340 plays Garage Logic, so I couldn't call into the show unless I randomly called in and pretended to have been listening to the show. So... to get around my irrational anxiety about talking on phones, here's what I'm doing with my blogs...

The old blog, stupid green squares, will stay exactly the same. Commentary about news I read about here and there, some stories of the more or less interesting events of my life that come up, and possibly notifications of updates to my personal website (if I ever update it - shut up, Jeremy). This blog will be my own analysis of the talking points that come up on the television and radio shows I follow. Does that make sense?


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