Thursday, January 27, 2005

Chill Bill vol. 1

On the Factor tonight, the first thing that I thought worth commenting on was when Bill was talking to a Fox News analyst, Ellis Henican. They got in a little bit of a shouting match when Henican said that Condoleezza Rice needs to be able to take this stuff, and be able handle herself. She did. She schooled Barbara Boxer by essentially telling her not to call her a liar. Henican said that "the rhetoric was overheated" but everyone just needed to chill out about it. I agree. Everyone needs to just chill the fudge out. I won't get into a long tirade about it, but if you really think about it, anything in politics, left and right, Republicans and Democrats, would be so much better if someone in the Senate or the House just stood up when things started getting out of control and yelled, "EVERY-BODY NEEDS TO COOOOOL OUT!!" I think I'm going to run for office with that as my platform.

O'Reilly also made mention of the United Nations' commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz on this day in 1945 (well, yesterday, but I'm blogging late). Apparently, the representatives from many Arab nations didn't show up for it. Why in the world is the far-left defending these people? I'm talking about the leaders, not the citizens. It's the leaders that are manipulating and brainwashing their citizens. Maybe you've heard the term Islamofascism. This is what that is. Now... as I was typing I decided to look up Islamofascism in the Wikipedia, and the term was supposedly coined by far-right wacko, Mike Savage. We won't hold that against the word. I mean, I'll continue to use it, regardless of who coined it... but... whew... Savage actually criticizes Rush Limbaugh. Crazy people. But I digress...

The last thing that I thought worth mentioning is related to what I blogged on last night, and that is that Bill did in fact call Barbara Boxer a nut on his radio show. Bill fessed up to it on the Radio Factor and the O'Reilly Factor, designating himself as the "Most Ridiculous Item of the Day." I guess Al Franken was right, Bill O'Reilly is a liar. And by 'liar,' I mean a human being who makes mistakes and apologizes for them.


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