Friday, January 28, 2005

Ted Dubya Kennedy

Today was a bad day. I had to go to all five stops on my route and I didn't get to start until 6:30. I listened to the first and third hours of Sean Hannity with a lot of static. The second hour I had no reception for, and I wasn't about to listen to Airhead America. And because it was such an annoyingly bad day, I just didn't watch O'Reilly tonight. I may or may not watch the final airing at 3 AM. I don't know. The only thing that I thought of commenting on regarding Hannity's program tonight is the replaying of soundbites of Ted Kennedy's speaking mishaps. The left loves the fact that George Bush misspeaks occasionally, because that unquestionably means he's a complete idiot. Now that Ted Kennedy has given Sean Hannity a handful of these soundbites, this is what I call a sticky situation.

The left deserve some of their own medicine, but at the same time I really think the right could be above that kind of behaviour. Among my friends, I've always been outspoken against comments about Bush's intellect based solely on occasional slip-ups in speech, so I'm also against calling Kennedy an idiot for the same reason. However, I have no sympathy for lefties who complain about Hannity's antics when most of them think Bush screwing up a colloquialism is irrefutable evidence of incompetence.


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