Wednesday, January 26, 2005

AM Radio Woes

Occasionally, I'll get horrible reception with AM radio. Well, usually I get horrible reception. But what's odd about AM radio is that sometimes, when I can't get anything but garbled static from AM 1340 in Rochester or AM 1500 in Saint Paul, I can actually receive stations that are several states away. One night I listened to a station in Omaha. Tonight was one of those nights without any clear reception, and I couldn't hear Sean Hannity's program on my route. Skimming through different stations, I found a station broadcasting from Ohio. The station I subjected myself to was playing none other than "Air America."

Fortunately, at the time I hadn't eaten any food yet, because I probably would have thrown it up. I could not listen to this garbage. Randi Rhodes was babbling on about how the Republicans are sheep because not one of them voted against Condoleezza Rice. Sure, I guess that means they're all sheep. Or it could mean they all thought she was qualified for the job. Obviously 30 or so of the Democrats agreed, right? Must be sheep. This is why I'm fiercely independent. This is complete crap. I don't agree with Hannity in everything he says. I don't listen to his show and drool all over myself because I'm nodding constantly. I don't agree with O'Reilly in everything he says either, though he considers himself an independent. Hell, he mentions occasionally that his whole family, including himself, used to be Democrats, but aren't anymore because of the secular, progressive, if-it-feels-good-do-it liberals on the far left. I don't like the crazies on either side, and that's why I'm a card-carrying member of the radical middle.

But back to this Randi Rhodes loon, barking about Republicans being sheep. I'm going to post a question here. I've asked this question before, but I've never gotten an answer to it and don't think I ever will. Here goes. If Republicans and Bush-supporters are sheep, what does one call followers of the "Anyone But Bush" mantra that almost got John Kerry elected? What was John Kerry's campaign platform? Can anyone tell me? "I have a plan. I have a plan. You have to elect me to hear it, but rest assured, I have a plan." That was all I got out of his campaign. Rhodes called for unity. What will satisfy you? You sound like you'd be down for unity as long as it's over there on the left somewhere. Unity implies you're coming together, and you have to meet halfway, stupid.

Rhodes also went off for a bit about how the US has never attacked a country in the way we did in Iraq. We've never attacked a country that wasn't an immediate threat or had attacked us. Hmm... where have I read about a war with a country that wasn't an immediate threat or had attacked us... no Japan attacked us in World War II... oh yeah, Korea. Oh wait... Vietnam, too. Oh, and Desert Storm. I'm suprised you didn't at least think of that one. Unprovoked war is only ok when a Democrat was president, but Desert Storm was under a Republican. Oh, alright. Those were examples of a country invading another country and we decided to step in and help the invaded country. But now... let's think back to Clinton's decision to drop bombs on Baghdad because of Saddam's *gasp* weapons of mass destruction! Barbara Boxer (one of Condi's nay-votes) supported Clinton when he did that. Why don't you guys go huddle for a few years? Come back when you have some real answers for the world, instead of "peace, love and understanding." It would be great to live in peace, love is a beautiful thing, and I already try to be as understanding as I can. Screaming the phrase directly into politicians' ears with no plan whatsoever of how to bring it about does nothing but piss them off and keep their now-deaf ear turned squarely at your shouting.


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