Wednesday, March 30, 2005


See how insane this Terri Schiavo thing is? The only blogger I really read anymore, Lee on Right Thinking from the Left Coast, quit. (Except he restarted after the fans showed their support). I'm just... I don't know. I'm not going to blog again until Terri Schiavo either dies or has her feeding tube permanently reconnected.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Erring on the Side of Sanity

Just an update, for whoever may be reading... There will not, repeat, WILL NOT be another post until Terri Schiavo kicks the bucket. This isn't me holding my blog hostage or something. I'm just sick of hearing about it. This is the reason I wasn't posting before and it just seemed to get worse, and I'm finally writing down why. I wasn't posting before because all I was hearing from the radio shows was tabloid filler. I'm sick of hearing about Ward Churchill. I'm sick of hearing about Michael Jackson. And now I'm sick of hearing about Terri Fricking Schiavo. None of these people are important to the progress of the world. In recent memory, I don't recall of any day that Iraq was not the headline. This Schiavo BS comes along and now that's the big story. Monday... Terri Schiavo isn't dead yet. Tuesday... Terri Schiavo isn't dead yet. Wednesday... Terri Schiavo isn't dead yet. You get the picture.

But now, as I write, and I really think about the fact that Iraq isn't front-page news for the time being. Ever notice how good things started happening in Iraq and the region over the last few months? Hmmmmm...

Monday, March 07, 2005


I haven't posted at all since Valentine's Day. There hasn't been much of anything that I've felt compelled to post about, except for the reason why I haven't felt like posting itself. I'm going to put off writing it for at least one more day because I'm a bit tired and I work tomorrow. So, again, I apologize to whoever might be reading my blog. I still plan to keep this going, I just haven't been in the mood. Oh, and the Blogger system that I use here has added the option to allow people who don't have their own blog in their system to make comments, so after I post this, I will be off to change that setting and let people post to their heart's content. I just kindly ask that people don't post anonymously, as it's rather cowardly. I'm usually up for discussion (if I'm here). Hopefully, spammers won't find my site. *gulp*